April 11, 2013


so i contacted gobites and was able to get a special code just for my readers! as of right now..it doesn`t expire, so feel free to pass it on! it`ll give you 25% off your first box. 

coupon code: ldotcdot

because i forgot to update as i tried my first box of gobites, here are my picks for the second shipment (i doubled some to get up to 14 boxes):
pomegranate punch
what a pear
tropical gluten free granola
essential energy
eastern promises
forbidden rice mix
ceylon spice mix
umami crunch
heart health mix
fountain of youth

let me know how you like it and which one are boxes are your favorites!

*also, did you know that these snacks are vegetarian/vegan friendly!?*


  1. Henry Chen3:09 PM CDT

    OMG .. everything on their menu looks so GOOD!

  2. i love them! zero complaints so far!

  3. can't wait to try it :D just placed my first order!

  4. please let me know how you like it! i love hearing back from you guys!

  5. Thank you for the discount code!

  6. you`re welcome! enjoy!
