July 25, 2014


look! a real post!
jk, but really..i need to give this more love! i know i`ve been neglecting my blog ever since i started my new job, but a few months have passed by and i can`t use it as an excuse anymore! thank goodness for the amazing people in my life that keep reminding me that i need to push forward. without them, i probably would`ve given this up. i normally spend my days off relaxing at home..
in regards to your wardrobe, nothing is more important than loving (& giving love) to each piece. this spring and summer, my most worn clothing item is hands-down my vince silk jumpsuit. as soon as it hit the fixture at my store, i knew i had to try it on. although finding jumpsuits has always been a pain due to my long torso, this baby has been perfect. i purchased the forge color, but i think i need the black one too!
on sale here & in black here.
photography: christopher kim

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