October 19, 2013


E R I N  C O N D R E N  L I F E P L A N N E R
2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
i`ve been ordering the erin condren lifeplanners for 3 years now (i first heard about these on defining tabitha), but i`m always so impressed with the packaging! it ships in the prettiest boxes! and when you open it up, it`s even more impressive. the planner is carefully wrapped in tissue paper and thick bubble wrap. you can tell just from this that erin condren takes great care in her products.

i always do the custom covers, but this year i really wanted to go back to a personal one. these are some of my favorite photographs that the boyfriend took on kimchi`s 3rd birthday. 
love that you can write down all the important birthdays and anniversaries in one place! it`s so easy to prepare gifts and cards at the beginning of the month vs. scrambling last minute.
the year at a glance is also helpful when planning ahead, but i don`t really use this that often. 
the monthly view is standard in most planners. i use this mainly for important appointments & birthdays. i get colorful and fun on these pages, but keep it simple for my weekly planning.
the week is what i love most about these planners. i LOVE that it starts from monday to sunday because that`s how i see my weeks in my head, which you can view in a two page spread. i also LOVE that each day is separated into morning, day, and night. i don`t like to be bound by time, but this way i can organize the time of day i do things..which is really handy when you work a 9-5!
blank pages for notes, doodles, etc.
the contacts pages are the only pages i do NOT use in the planner. i store this information in my phone, and i also get a little paranoid in case i lose my planner and someone finds all my information.
cute stickers included with the planner! these are great to use in the month at a glance. it also comes with stickers that say doctor`s appointment, girls night, vacation, etc.
love these extra folders and pockets in the back on the planner! i keep extra stickers (you can make custom ones! i make them for the boyfriend`s schedule) and papers in the folder. the little flower stickers i use to keep track of the monthly flow (ladies..it`s so important to keep track of your days!). the pocket is used for just-in-case gift tags and my foodie list..a little book i keep with restaurants i need to try/tried.

i keep all my extra things in a little pouch. this one is a makeup bag from neiman marcus, but it`s small and thin enough to keep in my bag. in it, i keep washi tape (obsessed!), pens, a permanent marker, and a highlighter. that empty space is supposed to be where my post it notes go, but i`m still waiting for them to come in the mail! can`t wait to show you, they`re so cute!

P E R S O N A L I Z I N G 
on my covers, i personalized with my own glitter letters. i like that it gives the book more dimension, and i have control of placing the letters exactly where i like it.
i had extra glitter letters (you can find them at scrapbooking stores) so i use them for my birthday and special anniversaries.
these stickers were a new addition to erin condren last year. you can pick and choose pictures for your stickers and she`ll print them out for you! i like to do this for birthdays. 
a lot of people were asking me what i use washi tape for. i use it to block off dates (mainly for vacations and boyfriend`s work trips) because it`s more eye-appealing than drawing a line across the page!
and of course, all my extra stickers from the past years because wasting is not cute!


i did purchase the lifeplanners with my own money and i am NOT being endorsed by erin condren. i love these planners so much and recommend them to everyone! due to the amount of emails i have been getting, i wanted to show you how i use mine. i understand that these are pricier than other planners, but i really do feel that it`s worth every penny because they are that amazing.


  1. Spoiled Hanger9:53 PM CDT

    I've been getting the planner for the last 2 years because of you. :) I will definitely have to get washi tape now. Love your handwriting !

  2. Spoiled Hanger9:54 PM CDT

    Oh yeah thank you!! =]

  3. Mommylanie2:33 AM CDT

    Love my Erin Condren. I love looking at how others used the planner. Thanks.

  4. awe you are so sweet! i`m glad you love the planner as much as i do..this year`s improvements are so great! the washi tape is AWESOME cause you can remove it without tearing up the paper..perfect for when you don`t have a set date for something but still wanna write it down!

  5. glad to find someone else who loves erin condren! i love looking at how others use the planner too..it`s always so inspirational and gets my creative juices flowing!

  6. && you`re welcome!

  7. musicloops12:36 PM CDT

    Just bought one! I love good planners. Those make me think of muji pens - simple and clean.

    One of the things I do with my planner is if I have a ticket stub or business card to somewhere memorable I staple it to the day I went. :D

  8. i would love to see what yours looks like! it took me forever to find pens i like because i wanted to be consistent haha.

    the ticket stub/business card idea is so cute! i`m thinking of buying blank circle stickers and printing pictures myself so i can remember significant days!

  9. musicloops1:01 PM CDT

    I know how you feel! I'm still looking for pens I really like. I use gelly roll pens, but I don't like how they don't have grips. Any recommendations?

  10. i love the target brand gel pens (the clear/white ones in my picture), but they`re really hard to find! a few times i accidentally picked up the ball point version and hated them! if you can find it, they`re super affordable and write amazing! i used to use the gel rolly pretty pens, but they always smeared on me! the target ones dry almost immediately.

  11. The Fashionable ESQ6:44 AM CST

    Hi! I've heard about these planners but I feel like on their website they dont showcase enough detailed shots, like you did, so this was super helfpul. I found you via The HoneyBee :) Glad I did!


    The Fashionable ESQ


  12. So glad to have been found by you! These are my favorite thing and I`m always so excited to get the next one! If you want to see more details or just have any questions about how I use it or anything at all, please feel free to email me!

  13. xppinkx852:37 PM CST

    AMAZING REVIEW BABE! i am super excited to get my planner and jot down all the details of my life *ahem* super overwhelmed with my options, and not only that, your planner has set the bar for ME!...decisions, decisions!!!

  14. can`t wait to see what yours is gonna look like!!
